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Old 08-18-2004, 09:22 AM   #215
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
Not a problem Breeze.

Sighing at the interuption to his studies, Baldar fixed Benton with a frosty glare and said, "Our 'esteemed' guide made it clear that the tusks will remain unused until the party decides what to do with them. For now, I cannot produce the potion anyway. I require a second main ingredient, one which will pull the essence from the tusk. Fortunately, there are any number of potential things which could do so. Anything with enough acidity will do. Blood from some beasts would do, as would the roots or leaves of certain plants. I would have expected to come along one particular bush already in this landscape. Nevertheless, I may as well go and 'beg' him for some of the tusk so I have it ready."

Baldar turned to leave when he heard the Paladin shout for him. He sighed again and returned to hear his words. Interesting. After applying cold logic, he realized the wisdom behind the words and realized he had been foolish in his pride. The Wemic may be intentionally goading him, but he had little to gain by reacting in such a way, especially if the spoils the party found were to be split at the Wemic's discretion. Asking that he be humble was too much to stomach, but he could at least make an effort to be more civil and get on the Wemic's good side. He watched Benton walk away and felt newfound admiration for the paladin.

Baldar approached the Wemic a little tentatively and watched as he was preparing the meat to be cooked. His stomach roiled a bit at the stench of the uncooked boar. Trying to strike a concilatory tone, he turned to the ranger and said, "Wem--Kevan, when you have finished with the meat, I would like to speak again to you about the tusks. If no one else wants them, I can use them to aid the party by making Potions of Battle Ferocity. Even if someone would like them, all I would require as a component to a potion is half of one tusk, so you may decide as you will how best they can be split up. A further question before you answer: do you know if there are any Wignanty Bushes around here? The spiny leaves from them would allow me to complete the potions. I would've thought to see them already on our journey, but your knowledge of the land is certainly greater than mine and perhaps you could tell me if we can expect to come across one soon."
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