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Old 08-18-2004, 05:47 AM   #210
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
The sound of Puli requesting a break surprised the young paladin. Benton had glaced around at the members of the group numerous times and Puli seemed to be completely indifferent to the journey. In fact, Benton guessed that Puli's mental discipline would allow him to travel much further, without rest, than even the Ranger despite his old age.

At Puli's request, Benton follows him to a location a short distance from the rest of the group. As the wise "Old Father" begins to talk, Benton listens intently, guessing there is more to this stop than simply rest.

Puli says to Benton, “I am uncertain if the wemic is angered or simply silent, but I would like to move back a short distance along our course and attempt to track our observer. I am skilled in such methods. Perhaps it would assist in perpetrating the ruse if you gathered firewood and made camp for a short period. I would still take all precautions for defense, although I yield to your knowledge of these wastes and the people whom inhabit it.”

Benton looks at Puli, "I'm glad you've elected to turn the tables on our observer. Though I sensed no evil, I'm not comfortable with him watching our every move. I wish I could offer more assistance than simply distracting our own group, but alas stealth isn't a strength and moving silently in this armor is impossible."

"Not only will I gather the firewood for a distraction, I will get the others involved in building the fire as well. If they are actively working on something they will be less likely to notice you missing. Mavirr will be easily distracted, due to the fact he's so intent on eating. Sourin, I doubt would have any concerns with you slipping away, Baldar will probably study his spell books or look for items he can make potions from. Kevan is the only one I would be concerned with. I doubt you offended him, though I honestly don't know. I can tell he seems to feel a kinship with you, and I'm guessing he will be upset if he thinks you've put yourself in danger, and he wasn't around to protect you."

"I'm quite good with my crossbow, I can hit my target from great distances. I'll keep it close by and I'll be listening for any calls from you. Unfortunately, that's about the extent of the assistance I can offer you."

"After you've slipped away, I may inform Sourin of your mission, and have him ready to ride to your assitance as well."

With that Benton returns to the group, and starts his diversion. Kevan is a short distance from the group, already distracted working on the boars. "Probably also keeping his distance from Baldar. He was clearly annoyed at the Mage's condesention earlier".

"Mavirr, if your so hungry, why don't you get with Kevan and begin cutting up the meat to cook. Let him know if you have a preferred cut. Personally, I like the spare ribs, but I don't think we'll be here long enough to cook those."

Benton then walks over to the dwarf and pats him on the shoulder. "Your humor has been very entertaining. You remind me of my father - very dry sense of humor. I find it a bit ironic that the Priest has been more entertaining than the Bard. Of course most of the entertainment has come at the expense of the Bard" Benton chuckles.

"I've already gathered some firewood, but I'll need to get some more. Sourin, why don't you get some rocks to put around the fire, and then help me build the spit to cook the meat on."

Last edited by Breeze : 08-18-2004 at 05:48 AM.
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