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Old 08-18-2004, 03:57 AM   #209
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
Kevan sighs as he comes to a momentary rest near a boulder. "Yes, mage. I did expect the group to continued without its guide since I expected a fairly defensible area we could use to rest at. Surely 'follow the river until you get to a clearing with boulders' would not be beyond your mean." Continued Kevan, "No, I did not expect to be able to slip away unnoticed. Not at my size. However, had I done so on the move, it would not seem terribly unnatural, particularly once the group comes to a stop. The reaction of our guest, once our group split up, would have been something I would have like to have seen. For, if he or she has a companion, that is when they would have shown." "I am comfortable enough in this area to be confident of being able to return without much problem should trouble arise. The reason I requested the presence of Old Father was for the insight he has shown thus far on our journey and his seeming ability to move quickly and without much noise."

"Alas, we are now here. Old Father and Benton Gale are looking for firewood so I shall get to work on our boars." With that, Kevan moves toward the pack horses and removed the carcasses to work on the boars' hides.
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