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Old 08-17-2004, 01:16 PM   #205
Rider Of Rohan
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Port Angeles, WA or Helm's Deep
Puzzled at the wemic’s silence, Puli worried whether he’d somehow offended him. He knew not the creature’s ways…perhaps he was merely mulling the alternatives. Nevertheless, the monk felt that something had to be done. The follower was persistent and showed no signs of withdrawing. Neither did he demonstrate any hostile intent, and other than the paladin’s declaration there was no way of telling what was intended. The sun was still high, but surely nightfall would be a poor time to determine the nature of this curious individual.

The bard’s incessant discussion of food finally prompted Puli into action, encouraged by a particularly good setting in the terrain. A depression in the lay of the land, accompanied by several large boulders jutting out of the ground, offered ample cover, and would certainly frustrate any attempts to clearly observe the quest group from afar. The dry riverbed still zig-zagged along, and at this point the eastern-most “shore” was quite high. Puli was convinced that one – if careful - could move unseen to a better observation point to the south.

“A short respite, if you please,” said Puli, doing his best to seem fatigued. “My feet are well-worn, but by backside is not accustomed to this manner of travel. Benton Gale, may I have a word?”

He awaited the paladin and then moved a short distance from the others. “I am uncertain if the wemic is angered or simply silent, but I would like to move back a short distance along our course and attempt to track our observer. I am skilled in such methods. Perhaps it would assist in perpetrating the ruse if you gathered firewood and made camp for a short period. I would still take all precautions for defense, although I yield to your knowledge of these wastes and the people whom inhabit it.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Not sure what's up, but I will be moving ahead with the thread at a faster pace. Try to write more than one-liners when you can - flesh out your character's thoughts and play the role out a bit more. WARNING: Characters who do not participate may soon succumb in the wilds.
It's not the's the mileage.
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