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Old 08-13-2004, 04:51 PM   #201
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
With plotting underway, Mavirr decided to speak up again and voice some of his strategic opinions.

"Maybe I can follow around this nomadic man, and sneak into his tribe's base? I can gather information and report on whether they are up to no good, or if they are fun-loving, friendly peoples!" He put his hand back on the reins of the horse, since he was advised not to play his trumpet.

"As for fighting from afar-" Mavirr stopped and laughed a bit.

"Try saying that five times fast! For fighting from afar, for fighting from a far, fro frighting fom afar-" He stopped again, and looked around at the heroes. "See! It's a tongue-twister! I invented a tongue twister! There's another piece of information I can share with other adventurers. How I survived a scorching hot day in the sun, with an empty stomach, being followed closely by a band of savage nomadic peoples. And still having the time to invent tongue-twisters."

Mavirr nodded his head in agreement with the story he would tell other adventurers. "Now where was I? Ahh yes... I'm afraid I'm no use to you fighting from the back unless you have some ninja stars or blow darts, or something else cool like that." Mavirr gave the rest of the heroes his usual grin, and took a sip of water from his canteen.

"I'm a fairly fast individual, and I can get into places others can't. If this is of service to you, let me know... if the situation can result in a tooth-clenching story, I'll be more than happy to help!"

Mavirr stopped talking for just a little while, and wiped some sweat from his forehead. "I'll comply to whatever plan of action you fellows agree to, but as long as it involves having some food soon. I'm starved!"

Mavirr rubbed his stomach in a circular motion, and licked his lips a bit while he waited for a response.

Last edited by MikeVic : 08-13-2004 at 04:58 PM.
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