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Old 08-13-2004, 08:54 AM   #197
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
"Wemic, you wish us to continue on without our guide? That hardly seems wise. The observer may well notice if you turn around and head towards him. The best course of action would be to continue traveling, with Puli keeping an eye on the observer in case he gives some type of prearranged signal to a group of nomads or speeds up to interact with us. If you are insistant on pursuing this foolish course of action, I have a spell which wll allow you or the monk to understand whatever foreign language these noamds may use."

"Know this. If we run into a large group of attackers, you would be wise to hold off from charging blithely into combat. The remaining spells I possess are formidable in deailng with groups, but they are non-discriminatory in their effects. If this comes to combat, allow me time to cast a spell in their midst to demoralize and confuse our opponents."

"Nevertheless, I say we press on. If the observer is watching out of curiosity, we lose nothing by continuing ahead. By stopping, we could allow them time to gather forces for an ambush."
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