Thread: $1,596.75
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Old 08-13-2004, 04:00 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA
Having BTDT too many f'n times to count, and having what my wife refers to as "regular bat removal procedures", here's how it's done.

1) Seal off the area where you think the bat is from any parts of the house you definitely don't want him/her to be. No sense making things even worse.
2) He ain't gonna be doing a whole lot of moving around at night in most cases. Odds are, he's found a spot to perch himself upside down til morning.
3) Depending upon how squeamish you are (when it comes to animals that are occasionally rabid, for me that'd be "very"), a broom is your friend.
4) Think like a bat for a minute -- I don't wanna be fucked with, I just wanna get some sleep. Where can I go? In my house, about 90% of the time that means the little bastard has stuck himself to the highest & darkest place he can find -- tucked in the folds of the curtains or the valance(sp?) above the curtains.
5) This is where the broom comes in -- I've got 14 foot ceilings, so it ain't exactly like I can just reach up & grab the m.f. Work your way around the room, using the broom to spread the curtains. You'd be amazed how well a small fold can hide a small bat (quite small when they're curled up). Once you find him, knock hell outta the curtain.
6) A good swat with the broom usually sends them careening to the floor & they're stunned for a few seconds. That's where the broom comes in handier.
7) Make like Brett Hull & one-timer him toward the fuckin door (I recommend either opening the door beforehand OR having SWMBO be standing by to open the door at the appropriate moment).
8) Repeat Step 7 as needed until you put the biscuit in the basket ... or in this case, the bat outside instead of inside.

When the sun rises, you should be the one on top of the peak.
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