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Old 08-13-2004, 01:04 AM   #17
Join Date: Apr 2004
December 2, 2004

I hate primadonnas. Both of the male and female variety. Especially of the costing me $20,000,000 dollars variety thanks to flaws in production and underbudgeting, at least according to Gibson. Remind me never to hire that ultra zealot again, OK? Jesus, you'd think out of all those people on set, Garner is the being the least diva-like. Thank Heaven or wherever for small miracles I guess.

December 7, 2004

A day that will live in infamy. No, we're not remaking Pearl Harbor. I'm not that insane. Actually, it's because in the last two days both DeNiro and Duvall were in my office, and we made handshake deals on them joining the cast of two upcoming movies. What moves? Well, you'll just have to wait and see. But, it won't be Superman. Still needs a little more polish to take care of the rough edges.

December 10, 2004


In more news that is making the other established studios sweat, Oliver Stone has been brough on to helm the ninety million dollar thriller about a cult getting in the way of a detective and his client's search for her runaway son. Based on the best selling novel, Blood Red Moon will star Annette Benning as a wealthy socoalite being drug threw the parts of LA that most people don't see. Benning will get a reported 5.5 million dollars, while Robert Duvall will step in and play the old, out-of-it grizzled PI for a budget 2 million. Rounding out the cast will be newcomer David Thompson in a supporting role as Benning's wayward son while Jack Black and Natalie Portman will be playing Duvall's assitiant and daughter respectivally. The picture will shoot on location in LA and at the new Global Eagle Complex in Orange County, CA.

Dcember 13, 2004
Hmm...Watchmen and City Hall both came in and immediatly went out for more work. Not even close to being filmable yet. Sometimes, kicking writer's in the ass to get them to work is hard.
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