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Old 08-09-2004, 01:28 PM   #189
The boy who cried Trout
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: TX
Soriun nods to Benton gale and chuckles. Under his breath, he whispers back, "I think he'll be more amusing once he get's used to his companions. At least I hope."
Turning to Puli, he clears his throat.
"No, dwarves are not noted for the mounted combat skills. Dwarves excel in close combat, especially in tunnels where out short stature can be used to our advantage."

He reached down and gave his pony a friendly pat on the neck.

"However, the skills of mounted combat are not unknown to us. Certain warbands are trained to fight from horseback. When patrolling the lands surrounding our halls, we find that a mount puts us on a more even footing when facing enemies that we might meet in the open. Ogres are at a disadvantage in our tunnels, but in the open, they are deadly. When faced with a company of mounted dwarves charging on armored ponies, they are considerably less deadly. I am trained as a war priest for my clan's mounted forces, and so have been trained extensively in the art of mounted combat. Perhaps that is why my clan chose me to represent them in the journey to this land?"

Soriun gave his pony another affectionate pat.

"This pony and I have faced some dangerous enemies together. I trust him with my life."
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