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Old 08-06-2004, 04:35 PM   #182
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
Mavirr looked around the surrounding wilderness as the heroes continued on their way.

"This place isn't exciting at all. No big trees or massive boars. I hope we get to our destination soon, since I don't know how much longer I can handle this boring landscape." Mavirr looked around at the heroes, and noticed that only Kevan wasn't engaged in conversation, so he began to yell at him.

"Hey, Kevan! How much longer 'till we get there? Or how much longer 'till we can eat that boar!" He then stopped and licked his lips before he continued. "You look like one that appreciates good humour. Have you heard this one yet?" Mavirr paused to breathe, and then continued to yell.

"Two wemics are sitting in an inn, when one of them sees a shiny object on the ground. He picks it up, and looks at it. The wemic holding the shiny object tells the other wemic: 'This guy looks familiar. I should track him down using my wilderness skills and give him this picture back.' The other wemic clobbers the first wemic acorss the back of the head, who now drops the shiny object onto the floor, breaking it into two. 'You idiot, that's me! You were holding a shard of the sword I just broke.'" Mavirr's mouth widened with a smile as he finished the joke:

"Then the wemic that was holding the shard responds by saying: 'Oh... well... at least I don't have 7 years of bad luck now, unlike you! Hahaha!' Then the other wemic rolls his eyes and answers: 'You idiot! That was a sword, not a mirror!'" Mavirr could not contain himself as he laughed at his own joke.

"Pretty good, eh wemic? I got that one from one of the bards I met on my other adventures."

Mavirr stopped laughing and then looked around once again. "So, are we almost there?"

Last edited by MikeVic : 08-06-2004 at 04:37 PM.
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