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Old 08-06-2004, 08:47 AM   #181
Rider Of Rohan
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Port Angeles, WA or Helm's Deep
Puli acceded to the directions he was given without comment. The test of the boars had been passed, and perhaps the members of the quest would bond a bit closer because of it.

As they moved off away from the grove and the place of battle, the monk took in the surrounding terrain once again. Rough and relatively barren, awash in shades of brown and gray and with few trees, the lands that bordered Prytia were distinctly different from the familiar lands of the East. These thoughts dissipated when the wizard addressed his comments to him, although Puli could not help but note the coincidence regarding his homeland.

“We come from vastly diverse places, Baldar,” said the old monk, his gaze traversing the wide open expanse around them. “I hail from Cross-Kir, a distant eastern realm of thickly-forested hills, rock-strewn ridges, and deep gorges. Our people are not perpetually linked as one, such as Prytia, but rather exist as members of distinct clans. As Kir we are all brothers at heart, but too long have we struggled with one another for dominance. The war-clans refuse to join together under one united banner. I am content that my own clan, the Maple, has led the most recent efforts to cease the senseless feuding and draw together as one people.”

Pausing to await the wizard’s response, Puli reflected on his remarks for a moment, then continued. “Rarely do the Kir wander the lands of the world, and rarer still is it to venture forth this far west. But I will say that the paths of my life have taken me to many new and strange lands, and to encounter such a thing as the Candle Mage scroll was motivation enough to bring me here, for I know that the ancient Javadan spirit dwells the purest now in Prytia.”
It's not the's the mileage.
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