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Old 08-06-2004, 04:54 AM   #176
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
Kevan acceded to the wish of the majority and wrapped up the butchering and preserving of the meat after approximately an hour. In his opinion, that gave Benton Gale and the priest Soriun sufficient time to rest, eat the fruits he picked while Mavirr had started on the larger boar and recover some strength. After packing the booties away on the extra horses, Kevan urged the party to get their gears ready and prepare to travel while he and Mavirr wash away the blood and clean his axes at the stream and fill some of the extra waterskins.

Once the group starts moving, Kevan notices the members fall into a natural order. Benton Gale and the priest Soriun up front just, behind him, with their religious discussions. Mavirr holding the two extra horses just behind them, taking in all the sights. While the the two quiet members of the party, Baldar and Puli, bring up the rear.

Kevan skinned the boars and removed the tusks as quickly as he could, without doing much work on them since he can do wrap them up and do that at the next camp. As much of the meat were cooked and/or preserved as could be done within that hour. Next trip, we ask for a carriage with a barbecue on top and a fridge inside. For now, we stick with Baldar casting a cone of cold to freeze and a fireball to cook the meat.

As an aside, I went ahead and set up party order, taking a bit of liberty with some of the characters' actions. I don't know if that is a problem for anybody. If so, my apologies and please move and change them.
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