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Old 08-02-2004, 03:58 PM   #170
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
Mavirr slowly cuts at the big boar with Kevan's axe. As he was doing so, he whistled an uplifting tune. After a few minutes of cutting, the only piece in Mavirr's hands is some thin hair, which he threw up into the air.

"It seems as though the majority wants to keep on moving. As long as we get to eat this delicious meat later on, I'm fine with that." He pawed at the large boar some more.

"How much longer 'till we get to wherever we're going, anyway? Will we get there by nightfall, or will we have to make camp out in the wilderness tonight?" Mavirr stopped playing around with the dead boar, and looked up into the sunny sky.
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