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Old 07-30-2004, 08:03 AM   #162
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
Baldar felt relief sweep over his body as the boars, bloody and defeated, lifelessly fell to the earth. His relief was short-lived as he gathered up the pouch he had dropped during combat and thought abut the danger of their current situation. They had to get moving and fast, as every moment they waited was another moment lost in their journey, but he had a task to do before they went.

Baldar slowly crept up to the larger boar, making sure the animal had completed its death throes. It was an impressive figure even in death, and Baldar had to hold back a shudder as he closed in on the beast. The tusks of the boar were still fully intact and neither his carving knife nor his dagger, which was more for stabbing than slicing, would be up to the task.

“Paladin,“ he called out in his usual low voice, which seemed quite loud in contrast to the grim silence that had fallen over the clearing, “I need you to cut loose these tusks for me. They are a valuable component for a potion I can brew.”

Turning to face the rest of the party, he spoke with urgency “We must leave this area with all due haste. Any creature with half a brain would’ve heard the sounds of battle,” (a dark thought at the Wemic’s roars, which could likely be heard up to a league away) “and could come looking to investigate. Perhaps our ‘esteemed ranger’ could impart some information before our next meeting with wild animals or worse?”

Last edited by JAG : 07-30-2004 at 08:06 AM.
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