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Old 07-29-2004, 07:44 AM   #155
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Originally Posted by WSUCougar

Initially, it appeared as if the wemic was again to be its target, but with its forelegs planted it brought its tusks suddenly across to the side, and right through Benton’s shield arm. The bright white of the tusks as they penetrated was sharply contrasted with the red of the paladin’s blood as they were withdrawn; eyes wide with surprise and then pain, the big Prytian warrior staggered under the telling blow, his arm ripped open and an ample gore-wound in his side. A triumphant snarl from the great boar carried across the grove.

Benton was still regaining his balance from the blow he landed and he was forced to hold his ground as Baldar's enery bolts ripped by his shoulder, leaving the paladin in the unenvable possition to simply watch wide eyed as the boar rolled his head, bringing his tusks around in a wide arc that was bound to catch his arm. It was as if time was moving slowly - the sudden shift and attack that took only a spit second seemed like minutes to the paladin, who had resigned himself to the fact the blow was coming. When the tusks ripped into his arm, Benton grunted in pain, then clinched his teeth and cursed himself for not having his shield (the curse was more a subconcious reaction to the pain, because Benton didn't expect the attack, and certainly couldn't have left his party members in danger while he took the time to retrieve it from his horse).

Knowing the blow had incapacitated him, and any further efforts on his part would be futile, Benton moves away from the boar as quickly as he can manage, on an angle that will place him behind the bard. When he turns to retreat, he realizes the blow also caught him in the side, the pain in his arm was so intense he hadn't relized the tusk had inexplicably found a seam in his plate armor until he turned.

Benton stops about 10 feet from the boar, approximately the same distance from the action as Baldar. He stabs his longsword into the soft earth. He winces in pain as he forces the hand of the wounded arm to touch on the injury in his side, then winces again as the arm injury burns when he places the hand from the good arm on the open wound. Benton closes his eyes and mumbles what appears to be a prayer. His hands begin to turn red, as if blood was to rushing into them. The redness increased in intensity as if the hands themselves were about to burst into flame. Then as quickly as it started the redness disappears.

Benton uses his Paladin - "Lay Hands On" ability

Last edited by Breeze : 07-29-2004 at 10:28 AM.
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