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Old 07-23-2004, 10:41 AM   #127
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
Pig, thought Baldar sardonically, that's a bloody huge boar! He shifted nervously on his feet as he watched the Wemic try to sooth the beast. The face on the creature was that out of a nightmare, twisted in rage and sporting two tusks that each looked at least forearm length. He heard the creature bellow in fury and realized that the Wemic would not be able to control the beast. There was no time to waste. Baldar dropped the pouch and raised his arms above his head. He brought his hands together, palms facing outward, as he intoned the words to his spell: "Printakus mal kel hatta!" He felt the tingle of magic infuse his body from head to toe as a bright pulsing light emerged from his palms and he aimed it as best he could towards the boar's eyes. As the spell power left his body, he felt slightly weak and disoriented as he always did following the loss of magic within him, so he only had minimal time to realize he may have erred with his choice of spell when he saw the second boar emerge from the brush...

Baldar casts Flare.

Last edited by JAG : 07-28-2004 at 04:12 AM.
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