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Old 07-23-2004, 05:38 AM   #124
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Benton slides over next to Sourin.

Benton begins to think, 'The Wemic's abilities in the wilderness allow him to see and react to things quickly - his taking charge at this time is probably appropriate and illustrates exactly what I was expressing just moments before. He's familiar with the beasts we'll be encountering, knows the best way to attack them, and can sense their presence quickly enough to position the party in the best possible places. If Kevan is to lead the path to the goal, then he should probably also act as the party leader. Though I've lead numerous quests, and prefer to lead, there is no since in asking a Paladin to head-up a wilderness adventure when a Ranger is present, especially a Wemic Ranger, who's innate abilities make him impossing in this setting.'
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