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Old 07-22-2004, 04:36 PM   #117
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
Baldar ground his teeth and clenched his fists in frustration. Gale's damnable nobility was going to make him a difficult leader to deal with. Besides, the journey would likely demand bold decisive decisions for success. In truth, Baldar would never have willingly chosen any of these companions for a leadership role in this quest. The bard required no explanation. The monk unsurprisingly aimed for a typical advisor role. Such sugary words from that one as well, though he grudgingly admitted to himself there was a certain wisdom behind the words. The ranger would be too busy acting as a guide to be an effective leader...besides the question of his race. The dwarf was a foreigner of uncertain motivation. "And myself," Baldar thought with a mocking laugh. His companions would likely give him a steel kiss by sunset of his first day of leadership, he had no illusions about that. The paladin was the only choice, despite Baldar's misgivings. He could at least be trusted to...

Baldar's thoughts broke off as he heard Puli's warning. He quickly moved on foot diagonally behind the monk. "Noisily, the monk says. I don't hear anything." Baldar quickly ran over the words to a few spells in his mind, muttering them without actually speaking as he followed the monk's gaze towards the underbrush.
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