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Old 07-22-2004, 02:17 PM   #113
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Benton smiled at the trust being shown him by his compatriots, though he could tell that both Baldar and Sourin were less than enthusiastic about their recommendation. Especially Baldar, but Wizards aren’t much for relinquishing authority, so his obvious distaste for his own words suggesting Benton lead was to be expected. Benton rolled over the thought in his mind. Comfortable in his ability to lead, Benton wanted to accept, but currently his leadership would probably last until the first disagreement erupted.

“I appreciate the nominations to lead, and I’ll gladly assume the mantle. However, currently I think that we are in Kevan’s arena. He is more familiar with the territory, the potential evils that await us and the pace we should set. So as far as travel, I believe Kevan should be in charge of those decisions.”

“With regards to other issues, Puli’s experience is unquestionably superior to mine. I would hesitate to assume leadership over a group with one as smart and wise as our venerable Monk. In addition, it is Puli who obtained the scroll we’re using for our map originally. He has a huge vested interest in this matter. I’ll gladly act as arbitrator in disputes, make decisions when there are conflicting opinions and general look out for the best interest of the group, but I’ll not act as leader without the approval of all present, and not unless the good Monk blesses the decision.”

With that Benton standing tall, looked around at each of the travelers, stopping when his gaze reached Puli. Benton started a small smile, letting Puli know, this was no show, but an honest assessment of the situation.
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