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Old 07-22-2004, 08:58 AM   #111
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
Baldar regarded the Wemic closely during his introduction. "Interesting that he didn't seem suspicious of the 'foul mage' in his presence. Either he is more tolerant than I would have expected or more adept at hiding his feelings..."

He heard the paladin and Wemic discussing something, but Baldar's eyes were drawn towards a series of mid-sized trees with short branches and narrow, slightly thick leaves. "Excellent," he thought. He knew of some uses for Crantas trees. He pulled out his carving knife and began cutting away some of one tree's bark. After obtaining a suitable amount in one pouch, he pulled out a second one and moved to the branches to gather a number of leaves.

Pleased with himself, he moved back to the group to find the paladin prattling on about taking a longer route to get to their destination. This would never do. If the thieves were Cranstonian or Saturnian, they would not miss the significance of any useful magical objects to be found and the party could arrive to find the whole area looted of useful items...Baldar's desired texts among them of course. Thankfully the dwarf brought up this very point so he would not have to reveal his interest in the matter. Meanwhile, he had something he needed to discuss with the group that the paladin brought up earlier.

"My fellow companions," Baldar said, with a hint of a sneer, "I must speak with you regarding an important matter. None of you have fought by my side previously. Realize this; all of my combat spells contain a verbal component. That means when you hear my voice raise above the tone I am using now, if you do not wish to experience...unpleasant effects...move somewhere other than between myself and the enemy. I will be able to aid in some other matters of divination as well as in other ways I will reveal only when it is necessary."

Gritting his teeth a bit, he added, “I suggest the paladin lead our group. We will be far more organized taking orders from one than six people acting on their own and he is the natural choice as a chivalrous human knight.” So long as Gale’s orders coincided with Baldar’s interests of couse…

“Wemic,” Baldar stated, turning to the ranger, “I must know of the path we will take to reach our destination. Will we travel wilderness or through populated areas? What of the lay of the land? I can not prepare myself properly without knowing these things.”
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