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Old 07-22-2004, 05:25 AM   #108
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Benton looks to Kevan and smiles,"Already tried that Kevan. Vasheliave mentioned he had an appointment with his bed. Can't say as I blame him, he has been quite busy preparing the items for our journey. Plus he'll be working hard to determine the perpetrator of the scroll theft."

Benton's smile quickly disappears at the mention of the work theft. He shakes his head slowly and continues.

"You may not be aware, and maybe Puli can fill you in better than I, but a copy of the scroll map we are using was stolen. Obviously, whomever took the map is forming their own group to find the candles, and in my opinion they are at a decided advantage. We have no idea who took the map and where they will be journeying from, but they absolutely know our group comes from Lord Pepsin's residence."

"I'm afraid that even if we are able to acquire the item we seek, we'll be ambushed for it, probably right after a difficult battle with orcs, goblins or some other undesirable creature. Our only chance to avoid an ambush in my opinion is to look for an alternate route. The rival party will undoubtedly take the easy path, they will be on the lookout for our camp fires, and they will probably not be in any particular hurry, hoping to allow us to pass and handle all the difficult fighting. If we can find a different path, even if it's more difficult, we may be better served. The tricky part is the path we choose can't be circuitous, or the other party will beat us to the spot and then all is lost. I'm no Ranger, so I'll leave the route we take to Kevan, I only offer this as food for thought."
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