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Old 02-18-2003, 07:15 PM   #24
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz:

Back again! And boy has a lot happened over the past 24 hours! I see we’ve made quite a bit of progress while I was gone. Where to start? There is so much to do, and as you shall soon learn, perhaps so little time to do it in! First, thanks for all those to voted in the “Why Let One Person Have All the Fun” contest. Not only did we get record voting for this year’s contest, we were honored by visits from SkyDog, Quiksand, and other long-time FOF vets! And we will need them, for I bring a tiding of bad news. Yes, this could be worse news than our national tv thrashing of Nebraska last week. You see, when I started this dynasty, I didn’t think about something that Dukeman brought up in his post: Did I select the “No Hirings/Firings” option at the start of the game? Well, the obvious strategic move would have been to opt for “no” firings/hirings, but alas, I did not think on such a small scale when I started this grand venture. When one sets out on a journey to the orient, do you think to bring toilet paper? No! Of course not. And neither did I. But instead of forgetting my toilet paper, I may have forgotten my passport, as to the best of my knowledge, I did NOT select the “no hirings/firings” option. For all you real Notre Dame fans out there struggling with that double negative, I’ll save you a few hours of confusion: I can get fired for bad performance! So a dark pall has settled over the Notre Dame coaching offices on the realization that an ominous sword of Damicles is hanging over our majestic voyage’s head. But hey, don’t get down kiddies; it wouldn’t be any fun if it were easy. Danger adds an edge to it all, and we may yet achieve the ultimate prize if the good god Gindin is on our side. And as that guy said in Animal House, “Did the Americans stop when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? NO!”

God help us though if we win the national championship this year; that would really justify firing me if we fall much in the following years. But enough of the negative waves, Moriarty!

Thanks for all the support out there! Did you all notice who’s in the house? That’s right, that father of all anti-sims, Kodos! I feel like John the Baptist at the river! Thanks for the blessing Kodos; we’ll fight the good fight! And we are going to need everybody’s help, as we are badly outnumbered right now. I took a quick look at the season ticket sales for this year, and the news is not good. Notre Dame sold 80,000 SEASON tickets this year for 80,000 seats in the stadium. What sillyness is that? I figure we’ve got about ten fans helping out now. Add in Scooper to the darkside and that means we’re outnumbered 80,001 to 10. So make lots of noise, rub your ju ju beads, and let’s get it on!
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