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Old 02-18-2003, 07:14 PM   #23
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Originally posted by scooper:


I am a die-hard Notre Dame fan. I grew up watching them and will always be a fan. Even through this Davie Era. Notre Dame is a strange team. If you don't love them, you hate them. I'm a realist. ND is the most loved and most hated team in the country. Many ND fans (I hope I'm not included) are quite obnoxious in believing the program is still the pinacle of college football. I believe that is what makes me a good fan: I know they are not now on top (but may be again someday) but I remain a rabid fan.

All of that said, this is the funniest dynasty I've ever read. I will read with interest. I hope you fail but have fun none the less.

To any other Irish fans that may reply-relax, it's just a game.
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