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Old 02-18-2003, 06:59 PM   #7
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz:

Week 1
We’ve got an off week, so it’s time to hit the recruiting trail! I’m nervous here. I bet there are some good players that idolize us. I take a peek at the recruiting screen…

Luck and joy! Five players idolize us and only one of them is any good. Whew! Dodged that bullet. There is an ILB rated 40 by my scout and he looks like he will be the cream of the crop. Then there is this 3.5 student with good test scores but he only ranks a 5 on ability! Come on down! Join the fold! You can party with us! Everyone else is somewhere in the middle of that range. There is a QB who is rated a 17 by my scout. Shouldn’t be a threat, but these double digit guys make me nervous. I offer all these sheep scholarships via phone. Baaaaa. Come to papa. I’ll let you share in the glory that is the Dame!

We continue by scouring the recruiting boards in search of our ideal candidate. Something around a 2.5 GPA, 900 SAT, and abilities in the 1-5 range. Too dumb and they’ll flunk out and we’ll get some of those high quality walkons. We work our way through the recruits in week 1, and make calls to just about one person at each position. TE is slim pickings; all the lousy football players are real smart. We have to settle for J.R Ferrari, a nice preppy name, who has an ability of 6+ and academics in the right range. He loves us though. We are so popular! We find a real winner though in RB Devin Littleton out of West Springfield High in Virginia (any fans out there from this school?). Devin gets a perfect 0 by my scout, has a GPA of 2.60 and a SAT of 976. This guy is poetry in motion. He’s only got one defect--I think he is better than my scout indicated. Better than a zero? Does that mean I saw him breathe? I’ll still take him though. Here, kid, have a free ride to the Dame! Just don’t expect to get laid while you’re here, ok? Har! I just thought of something. Can I bribe? I forgot all about that! I say yes. Hey, Devin, have some coke. Here you go. That’s right, the first time’s free. What? He won’t take it because he hasn’t decided to visit my school? What kind of bs is this? Drats, frustrated again. And get this guy! CB Broderick Hussey, rated 3 by my scout and with the IQ of a door, tells me that he is unhappy that Notre Dame is far away from his home in Lompoc, CA, that he doesn’t like my defensive coordinator, and that playing for UCLA is his dream! YOU HAVE THE ABILITY OF A 4-YEAR-OLD AND YOU BITCH WHEN NOTRE DAME CALLS? Who said recruiting was easy?

Well, anyway, we finish up the recruiting with a stellar list of potentials, 8 of whom we offer scholarships to. I’ll post full details later, but for now, trust me, you won’t need a calculator to add up all their scout ratings!

Last edited by Co-D'ohs : 02-18-2003 at 06:59 PM.
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