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Old 02-18-2003, 06:54 PM   #3
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz:
Ok, time for time management. Let’s try a 35% for team practice time. All work and no play makes Johnny a…, well, we’ll find out, won’t we! And this team is too happy, preppy, and Corvetty for me. 10% free time should fix that! Let’s see what happens to these Catholic boys when we cut out their sex time. Pope says they can’t do it by themselves so I would think this will turn the clubhouse atmosphere a little bit gnarly. He he. This is fun. That’s right, back on the field guys! Har! And let me think here. Kickers, QB’s, and other back positions clearly need lots of weightlifting time. Need to burn off all those excess hormones that won’t be using up with Gertrude any more. Or are they pheromes? Or gnomes? Oh, whatever. Into the weightroom you go. And you linemen over there. Time to hit the football books. No weights for you! Get your butts in the library. Now, let’s see, I have to be careful with study time. Too little study time and we’ll get lots of academic ineligibility, which in itself is a good thing, but if a lot of players drop out of school, I’ll be getting walk-ons, and those players will be a lot better than the recruits I’m planning on getting, so I have to play this carefully. 10% sounds about good for now. I can always adjust things next year. That golden dome wasn’t built in a day. I sure can’t tear it down in one season either.

Ok, that takes forever and my clicking finger is tired, but now we’re ready to start our first week of recruiting.

Damn! How time flies! It’s after five! Another productive workday all finished. Time to go out and play with the wife.

But don’t worry folks, I’ll be back sooner than you think. Look back here later for…

Recruiting the Notre Dame Way


The 2001 Notre Dame March to Glory season week by week…

coming soon to a FOFC board near you.

Go Irish!!!!!! Yee haw!!!
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