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Old 02-18-2003, 06:51 PM   #1
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Cool Godzilla Blitz's "Poop on the Golden Helmets Challenge (A TCY Dynasty?)"

As a public service, I am reposting Godzilla Blitz's Golden Helmets threads before the old board dies for good. They are a national treasure here at FOFC, and since GB himself is busy with his thesis, I decided to take on the assignment using my alias to avoid pushing my average number of posts per day any higher...

Without further ado, here it is. Enjoy! - Kodos

List of threads:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4


Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz:

Welcome Notre Dame fans!

Buc made a post about everybody taking a cruddy team and trying to turn them into champions. Well, that got me thinking, and since my Umass career is on hold while I wait for a patch, I thought I would try a new, quick dynasty that tries to do the opposite.

This is going to be simple challenge, but I will need a set of house rules to keep interesting. I may add to these as I go along, but for now…

My house rules
1. I cannot cut anybody. I call this the kindergarten rule. Everybody who wants to play can.
2. I have to use all my extra time blocks. This is called my government workers rule. You don’t have to do anything useful, but you have to pretend to work.
3. I can only switch two positions a year. I call this my “only switch two positions a year” rule.
4. I can set no time management factor to greater than 35% and no less than 10%. I have no idea what to call this rule.
5. I have to use my scout recommendations for starting lineups, play selection, etc. This is called my “It’s tempting, but I can’t screw them over too fast rule”.
6. I have to offer scholarships in the first week of recruiting to all players that idolize Notre Dame.
7. I have to try keep a balanced roster position-wise. This is called my “Even though I want to recruit 16 punters, I can’t” rule.

Ok, there you have it. Time to get started.

And for all those out there that are Notre Dame fans, I hope this keeps you happy for a while. You’re gonna love this, I can promise you that!

Go Fighting Irish! Yee haw!

Oh yes! I almost forgot! My goals! How silly of me! Well, it’s very simple, fans.

How quickly can I turn Notre Dame into the 125th ranked team in the nation! Yes, that’s right! All you out there struggling to reach the #1 ranking have got it easy. Given these restrictive house rules, how can I ever I am going to manage this feat! I call this my “Poop on the Golden Helmets” Challenge. Oh, boy, am I gonna make a lot of friends here…

Anyway, enough babble. Off we go…

Last edited by Co-D'ohs : 05-07-2015 at 09:43 AM.
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