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Old 07-02-2004, 01:29 PM   #61
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
Mavirr fidgeted while these conversations were going on. Not only was he disappointed that Puli did not share any stories when they awoke, but he was also now hungry. Mavirr turned to the heroes that were present, and spoke:

"So a wizard could have done this, and most likely did. Or it could have been a wizard working with someone else. Don't you wizards have some sort of invisibility spells?"

Mavirr turned towards Baldar as he asked this question, then turned back to look at the rest of the heroes.

"Whatever the case may be, friends, I think we should start moving towards our destination. We have to pick up that ranger sometime soon, don't we? Who knows if he'll be ready to go, or if we'll have to wait for him to get ready. Some of these rangers need quite a bit of time to get ready. Well, at least one ranger I've met. He could have been one-of-a-kind, but that's not a sure thing."

Mavirr pondered whether it's feasible for all rangers to take so long to get ready for a trip, or if he was just unlucky to meet the one ranger that does. He snapped out of a trance-like state after a few seconds, and continued to talk:

"Is there any more information that we need, Vash? And will you be accompanying us on our trip to pick up that ranger? What's his name anyway? Or have you told us and I forgot... no, that's not likely. I'd like to know his name so we at least know who we're looking for, if you don't mind. And if there's no more to be said, let's go off on our journey!"

Mavirr took the apple he got from last night's plate out of his pocket, and ate it quickly. He stood, facing the other heroes and Vash, and waited for a response.
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