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Old 06-27-2004, 02:29 AM   #50
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
Mavirr looked around his sleeping arrangements. "Well, Puli, looks like it's just me and you tonight! I sure hope you aren't loud loud in your sleep. You look like the type that is." He snickered at Puli and then walked over to his bed. After he fluffed one of his pillows, Mavirr sat down on his bed and looked at Puli.

"You must tell me of your adventures one day. A monk like yourself has to have some interesting stories to share! I'll play my recorder and trumpet in exchange for some of your stories, what do ya say?"

Mavirr stared at the monk for a bit, then turned his attention elsewhere. He placed a tome called 'Heroic Adventures in Ancient Britau' on his bed-side table, and slowly took a rapier out from the inside of his right pant leg. Mavirr then put the rapier on the floor beside him, and rolled up his sleeves. He unstrapped a long, sharp-looking blade from each forearm, and placed those on the opposite side of the floor where the rapier was.

"Tell me, Puli, do you believe in using bladed weapons, or do you believe in bludgeoning people with mallets? Or do you believe that weapon use does not hold a place in this world? I've travelled with one other monk before, and he didn't believe in using weapons. He even tried getting us to throw away ours! He wasn't bad with his fists, though." Mavirr grinned at Puli and went back to getting ready for bed.

He fished some lock picks out of his pockets, and placed them in a drawer in his bed-side table.

"I'm all ready to get my rest. We should continue our talk tomorrow morning, on our journey to pick up that ranger. Good night!"

Mavirr laid his head down on his pillow and closed his eyes. He must have been tired, since he fell asleep almost instantaneously.

Last edited by MikeVic : 06-27-2004 at 02:31 AM.
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