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Old 06-24-2004, 05:27 AM   #43
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Benton, realizing his hope that the party would retire quickly, allowing him to apologize to Puli wasn't going to happen, resigned himself to trying again later.

"Good Soriun, I've slept in mud puddles with bugs the size of small birds chewing on my flesh, your snoring will not affect my rest."

"Gentlemen, unless your heart is set on looking at each other for the rest of the night, I suggest you retire for the evening. Trust me, you'll have ample oportunity to look at and talk to each other when we are in the wilderness. Unless I miss my guess - it won't take long before you'll wish to see anything other than the people currently around you. In additon, this will be your last chance for quite a while to sleep in a comfortable bed. The ground where we are headed won't be nearly as accomodating."

With that - Benton, knowing the way to the bedrooms headed for the door.

"Come Dwarf, let us rest while we may."
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