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Old 06-22-2004, 02:50 PM   #32
Rider Of Rohan
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Port Angeles, WA or Helm's Deep
Lord Pelspin walked to the table and picked a small plum up from the platter. He observed it for a moment, and then popped it into his mouth, chewed it deliberately as he composed his thoughts, and then swallowed. He lowered his eyes to meet those of the merry dwarf.

“The Candle Mage was a wizard of great power who flourished in the high period of the ancient Javadan Empire. His was a unique craft, unlike any other recorded use of magic. Dusty old texts in the library of our royal city, Kerryana, describe some of his mighty spells, and bits and pieces of related clues. Obviously, candles had a principal role in his art, and it is surmised that many of these remain, though their location has been an unanswered question for ages, just like the eventual fate of the mage himself.”

“We Prytians are descendants of Javada, though the bloodline has a long and circuitous route. Our nearer ancestors were the people of Britau, who were scattered when their kingdom was consumed in a vast war with Rhylla, which ultimately ended in a magical conflagration. The haunted ruins of Britau are known mainly as Wootmerry throughout the world.”

Lord Pelspin looked around the room as he continued. “The scroll in Puli’s possession suggests that the Candle Mage escaped the internal strife that doomed Javada, and re-emerged in Britau. Seeking out what remains of his legacy, as well as recovering any extant candles, is the purpose of your quest.”

“Someone has stolen a copy of this material, and I am led to believe that they realize its import. I shudder to think what might occur if any such objects of power fell into the wrong hands.”

He looked again to the dwarf. “Prytians value our ancestry…these are more than mere relics to me, and to this realm, and to the royal family. Retrieve them, and learn what else you can, and you will be well rewarded by all of us.”
It's not the's the mileage.

Last edited by WSUCougar : 06-22-2004 at 03:42 PM.
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