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Old 06-21-2004, 06:18 PM   #26
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
Mavirr listened to everything that transpired in the room while his eyes were closed. Once Benton finished talking, Mavirr got up and put down his wine glass.

"Well then! Now we know what must be done, and I can't wait to go adventuring with you friends. I'm sure there will be story-worthy experiences involving intrigue, theft, and the slaying of monsters."

Mavirr pondered this for a moment, and said the next line to himself more than to the occupants of the room: "If we don't have some great adventures, I can at least tell the story of the religious group of heroes that met in a bald Lord's room and ate some fine burbeast tenderloins..." Mavirr snapped out of his train of thought, and continued to speak to the room.

"I hold the same question as Mr. Keystone, however. Where should we sleep? If we must leave in the morning, I'd like to get to bed as soon as I can!"

Mavirr stood in front of his chair, and looked in the direction of Lord Pelspin.
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