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Old 06-20-2004, 09:02 PM   #17
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
After Baldar finished talking, Mavirr jumped out of his chair and headed over to the plate of food.

"Now this is what I was waiting for! Not as juicy-looking as a fine, thick steak, but these Burbeasts sure know how to keep their meat." Mavirr licked his lips and picked up a handful of the slices of meat. He ate them quickly, and picked up an apple. After Mavirr polished it, he put it in one of his pockets.

"I sure hope you friends don't mind me taking some food along for the road. I don't like beginning an adventure with empty pockets," said Mavirr as he grinned at his fellow adventurers. He then poured himself a very small amount of the wine and walked back to his chair. Before he sat down, Mavirr turned to his new friends and said:

"It's too bad no one here has a recorder for me to play. It would help pass the time by while we wait for this Lord to come back. Oh, what wonderous songs I can play on that fine instrument!" Mavirr sat down in his chair, but did not take a sip of the wine. Instead, he closed his eyes and nodded his head as if he was playing a song for himself.
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