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Old 06-18-2004, 01:13 PM   #1
Rider Of Rohan
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Port Angeles, WA or Helm's Deep
Arrow The Prytian Quest (RPG)

This is one of two threads devoted to a narrative role-playing adventure. The character framework utilizes AD&D 3.0 but the “system” is free form. It is set in a fantasy world of my own creation, called Crella. This thread tracks an adventuring party from the kingdom of Prytia. The other thread, which is entitled The Cranstonian Expedition, deals with a rival group from neighboring Cranstone.

Feel free to comment throughout the thread, but please do not threadjack. The idea is to continue the thread as a narrative role-playing adventure. Also, if you wish to participate as a secondary character, there is a waiting list so just drop me a PM.

All out-of-character (OC) posts should be made in the regular font and color. Questions, comments, etc. All in-character posts (IC) should be made in sienna, the color which I will initiate below.

Posting in character should be done in third person past tense, using the name of your character or appropriate personal pronouns. A very simple example: “Sol moved into the cavern” should be used instead of “I move into the cavern.” When your character speaks, set it apart with quote marks. Try to be tidy with grammar and spelling so things are clear to the other players. You can assume and therefore interact with typical surroundings (i.e., if you’re in a tavern, you can order an ale without prompting), but do not “power game” events or surroundings that have substantial impact on the characters and plot. That’s my role. It may take awhile to get the hang of this narrative style of RPG, and I may step in to correct you or ask you to edit portions of your post, but it’ll flow well soon enough.

Primary players, as we begin take the opportunity to describe your character and his thoughts going in. Be descriptive, and interact with one another.

The primary characters in this thread include:

A Zanthan/Corpidaran dwarf (sachmo71)
A Prytian bard (MikeVic)
A Prytian paladin (Breeze)
A Prytian/Kashan wizard, Baldar (SplitPersonality1)
A Cross-Kir monk, Puli (mordheim)
A wemic ranger (daedelus)
It's not the's the mileage.

Last edited by WSUCougar : 06-18-2004 at 03:04 PM.
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