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Old 06-04-2004, 04:02 PM   #190
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Chicago, Ill
Originally Posted by Marmel
Raven, I tend to agree wth you. I also wouldn't mind seeing a cap put on techs, say to the modern age instead of info age and beyond. Basically, that would prevent the nearly unstoppable stealth and limit you to regular bombers and fighters. It would also get rid of world government which means you can't just take a capital, but must work your way towards their capital and then keep it for a few minutes. Might make the games take longer, but there would be much more strategy involved.

I have been saying these things to you ever since we first started playing RoN. I can't stand the "take your capital, you're gone" rule. If we all had a lot of time one night, I would love to have some real battles without the stealth. Then the winner can really feel he deserved it.

But then, without stealth Marm, how will you win?
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