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Old 06-04-2004, 12:56 PM   #187
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Baltimore, MD
I also don't like the whole "can't attack humans, until an AI is eliminated" rule.

It seems to limit strategy, and becomes a "first to tech - wins" game. Especially since it basically allows you to not build any military units until you are almost done teching. While the AI on the other hand, builds up a lot of military units, and is slower to tech. Then, the first to tech takes out the AI, and gets all their cities and resources, and usually ends up the winner.

I think things could be a little more interesting if we eliminated the rule. I could see two guys having little mini-battles all throughout a single game. It could definitely open up some new possibilities, and make the game more strategic as opposed to a race to get those stealth bombers first.
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