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Old 05-28-2004, 05:56 PM   #44
High School Varsity
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: St. Paul, MN
I had Nintendo at a young age... but that just didn't do it for me. To unrealistic. I didn't have a computer so I didn't know of the wonderful things that could be done with them.

I played card hockey... I made a net out of Legos and a large rink surrounded by boxes and set a hockey card of, say, Mike Liut in net so he covered most of it. Then I would put the first two lines out, grab my little tin-foil ball and go to it, shooting and passing the ball with the cards. I made a draft league, which confused me at first I remember because all of the hockey cards had players with different jerseys, but then the teams became familiar. Steve Yzerman, shunned in the first round by Providence, who chose Rick Tocchet instead, was the all-time leading point getter and led his Duluth squad to a bunch of titles. I even made every high-school hockey team in Minnesota (that I knew of, upwards of 100) out of cardboard and played out huge tournaments, with my hometown always "mysteriously" winning.

The only downside to this game was that it destroyed all my hockey cards, including my Mario Lemieux rookie, which had become so flimsy from use that I had to scotch tape around it. I said it was surgery. Oh well.

I also played two full seasons with the Pursue the Pennant boardgame, one with the Giants (88') and one with the Blue Jays (90'). I lost in the league championship series in both. I still do have, however, the scorecards from Will Clark's cycle and Tom Browning's no-hitter against me framed and at my parents' house somewhere.

I love how a lot of us complain about realism in sports games but grew up playing games like these and loving them.
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