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Old 05-28-2004, 04:39 PM   #42
FOFC's Elected Representative
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The stars at night; are big and bright
I made a horse racing game with dice and old programs my dad gave me when we would go to Ruidoso Downs.

We had many acres and most was unmowed. We had these stickers where several grew on a stalk. During spring and summer I would take my football and create a football game where I would throw the ball forward and catch it. If a sticker got in my sock, I was tackled. If two stickers got me, it was incomplete. If no stickers got me, I zig zagged through the mine field until one stuck me.

I played complete seasons of the NFL using Topps football cards. I would line up all 11 on 11 and roll dice to see the results. Then I would enact the play. I have mountains of notebooks keeping records of this. The cards soon became destroyed but luckily I had duplicates of most, so my rookie Walter Payton is still safe and sound. Two of them, actually.

My cousin and I played the complete season of baseball using the back of the cards. He always had the A's and would beat me.

I had an olympic type environment set up around the neighborhood based on age categories. I had several sprinting events and an obstacle course. If a person thought he or she could break a record, we would gather and time it using a stopwatch. This went on for at least a decade, and I still have people email me to see if they still held the record in an event.

I made a dice game using a 20 sided, with the World Class Championship Wrestling people, making a list of moves and belts that was pretty popular among my friends and family. HFP - did you think you were the only one?

I played tennis against a garage door, after reading a Peanuts cartoon, and thought it was a good idea. If I could return the ball 4 times, I got the point. The caveat was I had to hit it harder each time. I was on the honor system. Which, I guess, most these games were.

When I was 12, I thought I could beat the Guiness World Records for situps. I created a press conference with the family, and then began my great assault. I think the record was like 10,000 or something. I don't even know if I got to 500.

I had this little guy that you would pop on the top of his head and he would kick field goals at different lengths. I had a summer where my cousins and I battled for the Tom Dempsey award. We got really good at it.

My cousin and I also would set up shoe boxes at the end of his wooden floor. Then we would set up 100-200 army men in front of them. Then we had 10 marbles each. Whoever knocked the most down, won. It was pretty fun to an 8 year old.

We would use Rock'em Sock'em Robots to re-enact the Ali fights.

I made an olympic events dice game where I had let's say, 10 columns marked off on a piece of paper. Each row had a different guy with a different nationality and name. I would roll the dice and that is how far each guy progressed down the imaginary track. I would do the play by play as it happened.

/Lonely child - but NEVER EVER bored.
"i have seen chris simms play 4-5 times in the pros and he's very clearly got it. he won't make a pro bowl this year, but it'll come. if you don't like me saying that, so be it, but its true. we'll just have to wait until then" imettrentgreen

"looking at only ten games, and oddly using a median only, leaves me unmoved generally" - Quiksand

Last edited by Senator : 05-28-2004 at 04:41 PM.
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