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Old 05-28-2004, 04:36 PM   #41
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Tampa, FL
Holy Cow, this is pretty scary. I thought I was the only one on the planet that made up games like this...

I still have a 35 year NFL universe that I have recorded every single game (massive eraser marks and all!). I made up the schedules, I kept record of the standings, and even added 2 expansion teams (the Richmond Vandals and the Memphis or Nashville something-or-others).

All teams would be rated from 0 to 20 on their strength. Each victory gave them 1 strength point and each loss took away 1 strength point. At the end of the year, it all started over and each team received points based on total number of victories (including playoffs).

The games were played vertically on college-rule notebook paper. Each line represented one cast of a d20 and a d12 dice combo. Roll a 20 and you get a FG, role a 12 and you get a TD, roll a 20 and a 12 and the team received the all coveted 10 points in one block, sometimes a team would come from 10 points down on the last roll of the game...enough to make me cheer and have the folks asking why my homework was making me cheer!

Each score allowed you to fill in two "zero's" into the opponents column (basically taking away 2 scoring chances). So every time a team scored, it was considered their "momentum".

The team strengths altered the generic penalty. If the Pittsburg Steelers had a strength of 17 and they were playing the Dallas Cowboys with a strength of 10, they had a +7 advantage for that game and that meant if the Steelers scored they had a longer run of dice rolls before the Cowboys could roll again. And if they scored enough and in proper sequence, the Cowboys might only get 5 or 10 rolls the entire game while the Steelers would probably get all of theres (I think it was around 30 or 40 rolls at the beginning of the game). I think there were a couple +18 and +19 games played, they were always fun, especially when I added the upstart expansion teams that did not receive break #1....they both started at a strength of "0" and I think they won 2 or 3 games total that year...hehe...

Of course upsets happened all the time, it wasn't perfect, but it did generate quite a few back to back championships and even created teams that were a glutton for punishment at the bottom of the standings.

Of course, my Beloved Buccaneers (the motivation behind the entire thing) only managed to get to one Super Bowl and lost to the San Diego Chargers was I pissed. We were favored....favored! Oh well, anyway, that 35 years of simulation basically ruined me from 7th - 9th grade...

Last edited by Dutch : 05-28-2004 at 04:40 PM.
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