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Old 05-28-2004, 03:33 PM   #37
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Behind Enemy Lines in Athens, GA
It's always fun to see threads like these pop up amongst sports gamers. And I don't think there's any single thing we share more strongly than these made up games.

Football, baseball, and basketball were most often played with a card game. I have no idea who made them but I must have played those things for something like 15 years. (Naturally you knew what was coming since you recognized the tears, creases, etc. in each card). I ditched the rules for their use (made for 2-player) almost immediately & went to random 1d6 determinations for play selection, shot selection, etc.

I also had several variations of auto-racing with 2d6's, modified by a few house rules to cover accidents, mechanical failure, pit stops & such. Had another auto-racing variant that made use of matchbox cars & a braided rug (had that conversation last week, someone on another forum mentioned what a great oval track braided rugs made) Also had a 2d6 baseball game that pretty much was "my game" for years. I've still got a lot of my notebooks & stuff, a pretty good selection of Street&Smiths/ Sporting News college hoops & football annuals with my results noted on the schedules.

I'm not absolutely sure, but I think I was probably enjoying it more back then (but even then I had a lot of grognard characteristics, or at the very least, I could have been fairly described as being stat-obsessed).
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