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Old 05-28-2004, 03:01 PM   #34
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
oh dear.

I had the entire national league schedule on the back of a 1985 NL review book, and I invinted simple dice games to resolve each game, something akin to point spreads or handicapping, giving the better team bonuses to their rolls, things like that.

We didn't keep notebook paper around the house, so I used the inside and back cover to my books to keep track. Many would consider that blasphemous I'm sure, but I was a math geek, I cared not for books back then.

I played basketball in the back yard and would use my stopwatch to time games. I'd play by myself, forcing myself to take difficult shots, lots of turnarounds and stuff, and I'd have to take it back past the FT line after each shot. If I did something(I forget what, I think it involved the rocks scattered around the yard) then a foul occured, and if I was about to take a shot, I'd take a weird double clutch shot to simulate the chance for a 3 point play. I made up the rules and would play out the entire NCAA tournament this way. I was totally fair except for the fact that UNC somehow won every time they played.

My sister and I played baseball games... we'd take a tennis ball into the street and take turns, a half inning was having to field one ground ball, one line drive and one pop up(just thrown by the other) and having to throw it back within 5 seconds if the ball was dropped. No league or anything, but we would go outside and play that constantly.

Once I learned BASIC I wrote a simple text sim to allow me to play duke vs UNC in college basekball. i hard coded the lineups and ratings, and eventually added subs and fatigue I think, very very simplistic though. I tried to do an entire ACC tournament via my game but tracking down all the stats and entering them all in was too tedious.

dice games to simulate the ACC tournament, but prettysimple ones, that I played all the time.

oh and of course the tennis ball on the front porch steps, many games were invented while throwing the ball at the steps, but none were better or more serious than the "run like hell when you miss b/c the ball hitting the aluminum front door really pissed off the parents" game
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