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Old 05-28-2004, 02:05 PM   #25
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Satellite of Love
Originally Posted by QuikSand
To this day, I still think that the economist in me was born at the NFL pencil machine in front of Mr. Meade's office at Woodlands Elementary School.

Isn't it weird looking back to things that seemed small at the time, but they ended up basically shaping a really big part of your life?

The historian in me was born when I rented this game from the local video store called Ghengis Khan of the NES. Because of that simple, nearly random event, I am a history buff, use a mongol general's name as my handle, and am generally fascinated with all of the "barbarians" in history.

The role-playing fanatic also started the same way. In the local video store, just browsing on a Friday after school. Looking for something to rent for the weekend, I saw this game I never heard of before called Final Fantasy. I didn't breathe fresh air again until Monday morning.

With programming and test sims in general, my parents bought a computer for my dad's business. On it was this thing called QBASIC (I had previously tought myself the version of BASIC on the C64, but that was at the time a fad, since it had been years since my C64 even worked that my parents got this computer). I thought it would be rather neat to make little programs to help move my games along. It took me a long time to do games in some sports, so having programs do it in seconds rather than minutes would be really cool.

I know a lot of people start programming because they simply get a computer, but for me the idea of doing the games was really the motivation for me to learn it. Plus that I had previously leaned the version of BASIC on the C64 because one day I was flipping through the c64 manual and started reading about it. The reason I started all of these systems goes back to summer vacation one year. I had a deck of cards, preseason football had just started, and I was bored. So I took a card at a time, and used it for the score for one period. So I would turn over a 4 and that would be team's 1 score for the first period. Next would be a 9, and that's team's 2 score for the 1st period. And I would do that for 4 quarters. And that was what started me creating systems.

So if you think about it, the biggest parts of my life (history, role-playing games (and with that sci-fi and fantasy, and with that the desire to write my own sci-fi and fantasy), and most importantly programming) was all started because as a kid I flipped through a book, randomly picked 2 games to rent, and was bored one day on summer vacation with a deck of cards.

Of course, a lot of that probably would have happened anyway considering other events (especially the programming), but it's still kind of cool to speculate what things would have been like if I didn't have that deck of cards, or if that game had already been rented by the time I got there, or if that C64 manual hadn't been sitting there or if I wasn't curious to see what was in there.
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