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Old 05-28-2004, 01:51 PM   #19
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
Originally Posted by QuikSand
I used to make a tournament out of eating peanut M&Ms. I'd grab a handful of them, and that would be the competition for the contest. I would grab two at random, and push them together until one's shell started to crack. The loser, alas, gets eaten. The winner (the intect one) gets to take on another challenger. So it goes until the whole handful is eaten.

For what it's worth - it seems the winner or each contest gets slightly weakened with the stress, and one M&M can rarely winmore than two or three contests. But occasionally you get some weird-shaped ones that are like killer rocks.

Oh yeah... I should be speaking in the past tense. Right.

It was a handful of peanut M&Ms earlier today that got me thinking about starting this thread...

That's right, whenever my younger brother and I each got packs of M&M's (usually at the grandparents' house), we would each arrange them in order of best to worst color (green, orange, yellow, brown, black) and see who had more of each. Fun stuff.
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