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Old 05-26-2004, 08:10 PM   #50
Join Date: Nov 2003
OK, Rise of Nations, great concept, great reviews. I pick it up, being an old Civ 3 guy. The problem I have with the game is that you seem to be able to rumble through the tech so damned fast, maxing out relatively quickly. That took the fun out of it when I could build these great weapons and go knock out a city, but didn't have enough to hold it. It became just a game of attrition and seemed to stalemate like WWI. I got tired of it and put it down not long after I got it.

I am admitedly a poor player. I was playing on like the next to lowest level, maybe one higher, I don't remember. It just seemed to easy to max the tech and then there wasn't much worth shooting for but anhilating the easy ones until it was a stalemate of titans.

What are your comments? Any patches I am unaware of? It would be cool to play MP, but I pity the fool that gets me on their team.
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