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Old 05-26-2004, 10:32 AM   #33
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Placerville, CA
Originally Posted by Marmel
We had a very late night game last night. Neuqua is a fine player, but really made a huge error in judgement in this game.

6 nations, Neuq and I are seperated basically by 2 other nations. I am in the north, he in the south. I take out the nothern of the 2 AI nations in between us. I notice his capital city is tucked away nicely from my point of view, but is actually really close to the AI's border. So I propose an alliance with Neuq so I can move my troops into his land. I position them on that border, hoping to make him think I will attack the AI from that position. Instead, I break our alliance, declare war and start out on his capital's doorstep. I send in 6 stealth bomber, reduce the city to rubble, and stroll down the red carpet he had set up for my ground troops. Game over.

Uhh... that's pretty fucking cheap, dude.
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