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Old 05-14-2004, 06:51 PM   #59
Grid Iron
Ice Cream Man
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Bay Area

Transcript of CIA-FBI Operation

Odesa, Ukraine

December 31, 2009

MAXWELL: Frank Maxwell, CIA Operation Director
COLEMAN: Tom Coleman, FBI
ROMANOV: Alexandra Romanov , CIA Operative
WHITE: Chuck White, U.S. Air Force

* * * * * *

ROMANOV: Hive, this is Worker Bee. I have entered the basement level through the old heating system.

COLEMAN: Roger that, Worker Bee. Proceed to the account database terminal.

ROMANOV: I’m entering the code into the elevator door.

[Sound of keypad being pressed]

ROMANOV: I’m in. Entering the elevator now.

[Sound of elevator door closing]

ROMANOV: One. . . Two . . . Three . . . Four. Fourth level, I’m here.

[Sound of elevator door opening]

COLEMAN: Proceed to the terminal.

ROMANOV: I’m at the terminal room door. I’m attaching the decoder.

[Sound of door unlocking]

ROMANOV: I’m through. Entering the terminal room.

COLEMAN: Be careful, Worker Bee.

ROMANOV: I’m at the terminal. Turning it on. . .

COLEMAN: Worker Bee, we’ve detected movement in the building.

ROMANOV: The system is booting up.

COLEMAN: The elevator is going up.

ROMANOV: Roger that. Keep me posted. The system is asking for my login.

COLEMAN: The Elevator is at the basement level.

ROMANOV: Entering the backdoor password.

COLEMAN: The elevator is now descending. . .

ROMANOV: I’ve got the backdoor prompt. Entering the access codes . . .

COLEMAN: The elevator is at the first lower level. . .

ROMANOV: The terminal is logging into the server. . .

COLEMAN: Second level . .

ROMANOV: The data is loading. . .

COLEMAN: Third level . . .

ROMANOV: I’m entering the account number. . .

COLEMAN: The elevator stopped.

ROMANOV: The terminal is pulling up the data. . .

COLEMAN: Elevator is moving again . . .

ROMANOV: I’ve got the data on the screen.

COLEMAN: No time to waste--the elevator is almost there!

ROMANOV: I’m dumping the account data to a text file. . .

COLEMAN: Fourth floor! The elevator is at the fourth floor!

ROMANOV: I’m copying the file to my USB drive. . .

COLEMAN: Elevator door is opening. . .

ROMANOV: I’m uploading the USB drive data to my cellular phone. Prepare to receive the transmission.

COLEMAN: Roger--

ROMANOV: Someone is trying to enter the room with the access code. . .

[Sound of door unlocking]

COLEMAN: Transmission received! We got it, now get the hell out of there!

[Sound of door opening]

UNKNOWN: What the—who the hell are you!?!?

[Sound of single shot with silencer]

[Sound of body falling on ground]

COLEMAN: Worker Bee. . . Worker Bee, come in. . .

ROMANOV: Threat neutralized. I’m heading to the elevator.

COLEMAN: Whew. Be careful.

[Sound of elevator door closing]

ROMANOV: Third floor. . .

MAXWELL : This data is incredible! It goes back to World War II!

ROMANOV: Second floor . . .

MAXWELL : There’s been multiple account transfers into this account for over 60 years. . .

ROMANOV: First floor. . .

COLEMAN: Everything looks clear, Worker Bee.

MAXWELL: But every deposit has come from the same account in the U.S.

ROMANOV: I’m in the basement. I’m making my way up the stairs to the electrical room.

COLEMAN: Watch your back.

ROMANOV: I’m in the access tunnel—making my way to the central vent. I can see the exit.

COLEMAN: Good work. I owe you dinner.

ROMANOV: I think I just might take you up on that. Almost there. . .

MAXWELL: We’ve got what we need. Eagle-1, initiate failsafe.

WHITE: I’m moving into position. I’m lining up for missile lock on the building.

COLEMAN: What the hell are you doing!? She’s not out of there yet!

MAXWELL: She’s a security risk, Coleman. We don’t have a choice. It’s a matter of national security.

COLEMAN: Alexandra, get the hell out of there now!!!

MAXWELL: Security, get him out of here!

[Sound of missile lock from White’s F-15]

WHITE: I’ve got tone.


ROMANOV: I didn’t catch that Roger. The building’s generators are creating a lot of interference. What did you say?

MAXWELL: Fire!!!

WHITE: Roger that. Fox Three!

[Sound of missile launch]

[End of Transcript]
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