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Old 04-28-2004, 08:54 AM   #32
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
And last night, we saw yet another case of a smart person making a dimwitted double jeopardy wager.

Scenario: She's in 3rd place with $6000, about halfway through the second round. Other players have something like $12,600 and $11,000 or so -- for practical purposes that's about right. This is I think, the last DJ chance in the game.

She is clearly not the best player of the three - and has litle chance to make a big move on them in the last 12-15 categories. This is her chance to make a move. She bets $2,000.

I can't defend this decision. If she misses it, she's down to $4,000 -- where she is obviously out of real contention, and will just be hanging around for a chance to sneak through on a stumper. If she bets the full $6,000 - she gets right into the middle of things. I think it's a no-brainer, she had to bet it all.

Turns out, she got her just reward -- she got the DJ questin right, did fairly well down the stretch, and ended up exacyly $4,000 short of the leader at the end, and they both got the FJ question correct. Had she played this well, she would have been a returning co-champion... but instead, she got a consolation prize and a boot in the ass.

I know it's easy for me to bet with other people's money... but in a lot of cases, I think people make indefensibly conservative decisions with the DJ opportunitites -- seemingly worried more about not embarassing themselves than getting a chance to win.

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