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Old 02-09-2003, 10:29 PM   #27
College Starter
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Burlington, VT USA
As a minority, I demand to be interviewed for a NFL head coaching, wait on second thought it would probably be either in Cincy or Washington and well incompetence breeds Mike Brown.

If you caught the end of the Sports Reporters this morning, you hopefully saw John Saunders parting shot on Bobby Mitchell, the Assistant GM for the Redskins who has suffered through one raw deal after another in DC. Powerful stuff.

On the flipside, why should Dallas and Detroit be penalized for going after the people they want. It was very clear that Parcells and Mooch were the first choice. Are you going to argue that they aren't good coaches?

Personally, there would be no way I'd hire Ray Rhodes or Denny Green as a head coach. I've watched plenty of games that the Packers and Vikings should have won but didn't. I would hire Art Shell and Tony Dungy in a minute, the job they did was phenominal.

As a person that faces obsticals and passive ignorance, I would be insulted to get ANY job that was awarded to me because of being a minority instead of being the most qualified. This isn't college where people need to have an artifical foot in the door to get a chance, this is a profession that hires and fires based on results. Do we really want to go through team by team and say who is or isn't, Martz, qualified to be an NFL coach?

If you want to be treated as an equal, you have to treat others as equals. Thats a lesson that all races and others need to figure out.

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