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Old 04-26-2004, 08:11 PM   #11
Grid Iron
Ice Cream Man
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Bay Area

FBI forensics lab burns!

Body of would-be presidential assassin destroyed by fire

January 12, 2009

Washington, DC (AP) – FBI Director Harold Ridge announced today that a raging fire destroyed the agency's forensics lab in Washington DC last night. "I have been advised that the fire was accidental, and no evidence of arson was found," said Ridge. "Fortunately, no one was hurt."

Ridge explained that an electrical short ignited a leaking oxygen tank in the lower levels. The fire quickly spread throughout the building, destroying the entire lab. Ironically, the short circuit occurred in the fire suppression system, which resulted in the failure of the sprinklers to douse the flames.

Among the remnants of the fire was the body of the would-be presidential assassin who attempted to take the life of President Gordon Smith at MIT last New Year's Eve. "Unfortunately, we won't be able to conduct an autopsy on the suspect, as it has been burned beyond recognition," Ridge said. "He was literally turned to ashes."

The FBI has refused to identify the suspect, stating that it would "compromise an ongoing investigation."
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