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Old 02-08-2003, 08:51 AM   #9
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: USA
Originally posted by Blackadar
No, and that's why Jackson, Cochrane, Sharpton and the rest of them are racists. They don't care for anyone other than blacks.

Gee whiz. And y'all accuse us of being totally consumed by racial concerns.

What any of this has to do with Front Office Football is beyond me. And shouldn't OT topics be marked "OT"?

But wierd discussions like this are the main reason I limit my internet time. It never fails: whenever I hang around a place where white folks hang out, one or more of them ALWAYS wants to introduce the subject of race. Always!

It's as if y'all can't sleep at night because you believe the entire planet belongs to you and only you, and you are afraid that any time a black person makes any gains in the world, it can ONLY be at your expense.

We're not your enemy, but too many of you treat us and talk about us as if we are. That has been my experience for the 45 years I have been on this planet, living with, going to school with, enjoying friendships with, and working with white people. Living among you can be stressful, because you could exterminate us any time you choose.

The thing that supposedly unites us here is FoF. If I brought my non-FoF concerns to this forum, the flame wars would rage hot and bitter for weeks.

Race is one of the most painful topics in our society. Does anybody other than me wish that in THIS place, we could get away from all that and have fun talking about stuff that unites us?

Don't bother to flame me. I don't come here very much and I'm not going to see your flames. The last thing I'm going to spend my time doing is arguing about race with a bunch of white guys.

So, bye for now.
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