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Old 04-15-2004, 12:16 PM   #215
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Maple Leafs
Incidentally, a quick note to Leafs fans.

Sorry about last night. That was my fault. My wife spoke during the "tkachuks"*. The Leafs never really had a shot.

For years I didn't let her in the room with me during playoff games. Then she started to complain about being banished every second night for two months, so I started letting her watch the games. I thought she fully understood all the rules (no speaking, no eye contact, no touching the good luck bag of chips on top of the TV no matter how hungry you are, etc). But apparently it didn't really sink in.

It's the little things that win and lose playoff series, and last night she cost us the game. I take full responsibility. My apologies to everyone.

*For those who don't get Hockey Night in Canada, every CBC sports broadcast begins with a five-second animation announcing "the following is a presentation of CBC sports". The actual animation changes every year, but it always involves spotlights dramaticly being switched on one-at-a-time, each one making a "ka-chook" noise as it comes on. These are the "tkachuks". The sound isn't as noticable on this year's version, but it's still there. You never, never speak during the tkachuks. Never. Absolute silence is required. This is a hard and fast rule that all fans must observe. If you talk during the tkachuks, your team will lose.**

**Yes, I'm actually serious.

Apology accepted...dont let it happen again...on another note....Bobe Cole jinxed us....right before Alfferdson the Moron scored....he said Belfours shutout streak will be at 158 minutes in a few seconds.....of course, 10 seconds later, they score
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